Day 1 – Pentecost Novena for Priests
FIRST DAY (Friday after Ascension or Friday of 6th Week of Easter) Holy Spirit! Lord of Light! From Your clear celestial height, Your pure beaming radiance give! Special Intention “Johanninise

Pentecost Novena for Priests Starts Tomorrow (Friday) – What is a Pentecost Novena?
PENTECOST NOVENA The novena in honor of the Holy Spirit is the oldest of all novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He

Grace Force Podcast Episode 40: Stephen Herreid – More Covid-19 Restrictions? Don’t be Bullied!
Stephen Herreid – More Covid-19 Restrictions? Don’t be Bullied! As the great “the world is ending” threat of the virus diminishes, the restrictions continue to be, what most believe are,

Pentecost Novena Asking God for a Priestly Pentecost
FIRST SHEPHERDS POINT TO PRESENT DAY SHEPHERDS Many believe this global pandemic, and subsequent distancing from Mass and Communion, has the hand of God on it. Or, at least, many

Grace Force Podcast Episode 39: Jason Jones – Bella Producer Lands in Jail
Jason Scott Jones is a film producer, author, activist, and human rights worker. Jones was an Executive Producer on the 2006 film, Bella, which won several film industry awards, most

Grace Force Podcast Episode 38: Dan Schneider – How To Be Delivered From Demons
This episode is INCREDIBLE!! Dan Schneider has joined Fr. Chad Ripperger in launching a new movement called Liber Christo (Freedom through Christ). Dan has brought his rich military background into the

Day 54, 54 Day Three Hearts Novena for Protection & Provision – No Cross, No Crown!
DAY 54 – OUR LADY OF VICTORY, PRAY FOR US Prayers for Act of Consecration to all Three Hearts found HERE NO CROSS, NO CROWN! No cross, no crown. No

Day 53, 54 Day Three Hearts Novena for Protection & Provision – The Precepts
DAY 53 – OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP, PRAY FOR US THE PRECEPTS The Precepts of the Catholic Church are a description of the absolute minimum actions required of Catholics

Grace Force Podcast Episode 37: Terry Barber – Is May 1st Our Spiritual D-Day?
People need the Mass for strength. As the models are changing – less doom and gloom – folks are hoping upon hope that Mass can once again be open to

Day 52, 54 Day Three Hearts Novena for Protection & Provision – Power of Prayer
DAY 52 – OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, PRAY FOR US POWER OF PRAYER The heroes of our faith are the warrior saints who have gone before us. God worked mightily