Special Forces Weapons for Spiritual Warfare!!
This is the coolest thing on the PLANET!!
This NEW Spiritual Ammo Canhas been in the works for several months. I have been chomping at the bit to let folks know about this, but I held my tongue until it was completely ready to be made available to all. And, that time has arrived! Go HERE (Remember, your purchase supports Catholic causes).
I have been working on this for a very long time. I wanted to put together the “best” spiritual warfare kit possible and, if anyone knows me, they know I wanted to package it in the coolest way possible.
That’s why I came up with these metal ammo cans. The idea came from the fact that I actually have real ammo cans. These are collectibles from WWII. They are sitting on a shelf in my office, and I load them with sacramentals. “What if,” I said, “we were able to package Spiritual Combat Kitsin something like this?” Then we started researching and designing and came up with these VERY cool Spiritual Ammo Cans.
As you can see by the photo, there are four small metal cans that fit nicely inside the larger metal can. Each small can contains a powerful spiritual weapon for use in spiritual combat.
Weapons for Spiritual Warfare!
Msgr. Charles Pope wrote: “We are at war for our own souls and the souls of people we love. We are at war for the soul of this culture and nation. And like any soldier, we must train to fight well.”
The weapons in this “Spiritual Ammo Can” are designed to provide Special Forces Prayer Warriors precisely what they need to contend with the spiritual challenges of our times.
St. Dominic once said, “One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.” The WWI inspired Combat Rosary, along with the Catholic Dog Tag(Scapular Medal), provides a superior weapon and armor for battle. Holy Waterand Blessed Saltaffords the blessing and protection of these powerful sacramentals.
The 54 Day Basic Training in Holiness Bookoffers the essential training needed to engage the battle. The Combat Prayer Bookyields the requisite prayers and devotions necessary for strength and power on the battlefield of life.
Four Small Cans Contain:
Combat Rosary Ammo Can
The Combat Rosary is now the “Official Rosary of the Pontifical Swiss Guard,” and is based upon the original pull chain rosary that was commissioned and procured by, believe it or not, the U.S. government and issued by the military, upon request, to soldiers serving in World War I. Some of these rosaries were also seen in WWII. Veterans recognize them as “Service Rosaries.”
The Combat Rosary’s use of the most powerful medals and crucifix – Pardon Crucifix, Miraculous Medal and St. Benedict Medal – makes it a formidable spiritual assault weapon against evil forces attempting to separate us from the love of God and His will for our lives. While so many rosaries today break easily, the Combat Rosary was made tough to endure.
Read more about the Combat RosaryHERE.
The Combat Rosary Ammo Can also includes a Concealed Carry Card(humorous way to highlight the rosary as our weapon), and a business card size (for your wallet to have handy to give to a priest) “Exorcism & Blessing of the Medal of St. Benedict.”
Scapular Medal (Catholic Dog Tag) Ammo Can
The Scapular Medal is your spiritual combat body armor. It provides protection under the “Mantle of Mary.”
“Dog tags”is an informal term for the identification tags worn by military personnel, because of their resemblance to animal registration tags. The tags are primarily used for the identification of dead and wounded soldiers.
In a sense, the Scapular Medal is our “Catholic Dog Tag.” The Brown Scapular, revealed to St. Simon Stock in 1251, was a way for us, upon our death, to be identified as a child of God. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel said, “This will be the sign of the privilege that I have obtained for thee and for the children of Carmel; whoever dies clothed with this habit will be preserved from the eternal flames.”
In 1910, Pope St. Pius X introduced a Scapular Medalwhich may be substituted in most cases for any of the various scapulars. Valid enrollment in the (cloth) scapulars must, however, be made before the substitution. The condition for this substitution is that this medal has an image of Our Most Holy Redeemer, Jesus Christ, showing His Sacred Heart, and the obverse that of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. According to Father John Hardon’s Catholic Dictionary, the scapular medal may be worn for any reason, even for reasons of convenience. The scapular medal has all the same indulgences that are associated with cloth scapular.
Read more about this Scapular Medal HERE.
The Scapular Medal Ammo Can also includes a traditional cloth Brown Scapular to use for investiture, along with a business card size “Brown Scapular Blessing and Investiture” (for your wallet to have handy to give to a priest).
Holy Water Flask Ammo Can
While Holy Water is used in the rites of the church for blessing churches, altars, and other objects, Holy Water can also be bottled and taken home for personal use. Many Catholics have holy water fonts in their homes. Again, you can use this sacramental for blessing yourself before bed, when entering and leaving the home, or for blessing your children. St. Teresa of Avila once said, “I have found by experience that there is nothing from which the devils fly more quickly than from holy water.”
This is a beautiful laser engraved stainless steel Holy Water flask (There is no water in the flask, upon purchase).
The Holy Water Ammo Can also includes a business card size traditional “Rite of Providing Holy Water” (for your wallet to have handy to give to a priest). The rite begins with the exorcism and blessing of salt. This Blessed Salt is then used for the exorcism and blessing of the water. So, be sure to bring salt with you when you ask your priest to provide Holy Water for you.
Blessed Salt Flask Ammo Can
Blessed Salt is not a new sacramental, but there seems to be a renewed interest in its remarkable power as an instrument of grace and healing. Blessed Salt is an instrument of grace to preserve one from the corruption of evil occurring as sin, sickness, demonic influence, etc. Thus, modest amounts of blessed salt may be sprinkled in one’s bedroom, or across thresholds to prevent burglary, in cars for safety, etc. A few grains of blessed salt in drinking water or used in cooking or as food seasoning often bring astonishing spiritual and physical benefits.
This is a beautiful laser engraved stainless steel Blessed Salt flask (There is no salt in the flask, upon purchase).
The Blessed Salt Ammo Can also includes a business card size traditional “Rite of Providing Holy Water” (for your wallet to have handy to give to a priest). The rite begins with the exorcism and blessing of salt. If you are only looking for the priest to provide Blessed Salt, he would just conclude with this beginning section of the rite.
Spiritual Ammo Can also includes:
Combat Prayer Book (New Version)
The Combat Prayer Book is inspired by the original World War II pocket prayer book, My Military Missal. Even down to the size and appearance of the original World War II prayer book. The Combat Prayer Book contains just about every prayer essential for keeping and maintaining a strong Catholic prayer life. Packed into this tiny pocket prayer book are many typical Catholic prayers, including the Seven Daily Habits of Prayer, the Holy Rosary, Prayers for Mass, Prayers Before the Blessed Sacrament, Manner of Making a Confession, Stations of the Cross, and much more.
This new version of the Combat Prayer Book has added the four great Chaplets (beyond the Divine Mercy Chaplet, which is already included):
- Chaplet of the Holy Face of Jesus
- Chaplet of St. Michael
- Chaplet of 7 Dolors of Our Lady
- Chaplet of 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
54 Day Basic Training in Holiness Book (New Version)
The 54 Day Basic Training in Holiness, along with its companion, Combat Prayer Book, are both inspired by the original World War II pocket prayer book, My Military Missal. The daily reflections in this handbook are this basic training. Drawing from the truths found in the Holy Scriptures, the saints, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the first 27 days focus upon the qualities of excellence toward which we are all called to strive. The second 27 days contain excerpts from the Church Militant Field Manual: Special Forces Training for the Life in Christ.
St. Paul reminds us that we are not entering this battle unaided, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds”(2 Cor 10:4). This is why this training in holiness employs the very powerful 54 Day Rosary Novena as we embrace this imperative challenge. “With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible”(Mt 19:26). We simply must call upon the power of God if we ever hope to conquer sin and evil, and this rosary novena has revealed itself many times over as a formidable weapon for defeating these strongholds. Trainees are asked to pray one rosary a day during this 54 Day Basic Training in Holiness.
This new version of the 54 Day Basic Training in Holiness Book is now made to look exactly like the Combat Prayer Book, including the size and leather cover. Additionally, this new version has added the St. Maximilian Kolbe Marian Consecration Prayer to Day 54. That makes this 54 Day Rosary Novena and Training in Holiness an amazing way to prepare for Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Combat Pouch
Designed to carry the Combat Prayer Book, the 54 Day Basic Training in Holiness Book, and the Combat Rosary, this genuine leather pouch optimizes carry capacity in a compact and organized package, and protects your books from wear and tear. Keep these essential Catholic tools together wherever you go.
Order your Spiritual Ammo Can at